| Rank: 532 Votes 24h: 0 Votes 7d: 0 | | | | | | 0 | 0 | |
Trex token (TREX) is the main token for the T-Rex Punks atmosphere! We Launched on Justmoney exchange February 1st 2022. TREX will eventually be earned by staking your T-Rex punk on trexpunks.com.
T-rex punks started from a comment that a good twitter buddy of mine said "when will somebody create a trex nft on Tron".
So from that idea that @danluxcrypto produced I said "well I'm good at 8bit art", so I just started creating and before I knew It I had 50 made. Now I'm close to 500 and almost ready to get things started.
These were done all by us through hard work and hours of computer time building each one with love and care.
First was the idea from Dan, but another reason I really started to do this was my mom! I dedicate this project to her, I love you mom.