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Trexpunks - Explore the first Dino set on Tron Network!

A very limited set of 610 T-Rex Punks NFTs. T-Rex Punks attributes are a spin-off version of crypto punks.

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How Trexpunks started:

During the hard times of COVID we were scrolling Twitter, trying to pass the time when a tweet jumped out from danluxcrypto.

“Why hasn’t anyone created a T-Rex on TRON?”

We were all sitting around bored on lockdown for a year and decided that the TRON Network needed some Dinos, and T-Rex Punks was hatched. A total of 610 came to life October 2021! 

About $TREX Token

Where to buy? 

You can buy TREX token at

Our token launched on February 1st, 2022 and has increased by five hundred percent. Each time a trexpunk is mint we send to the burn mechanism, meaning we buy back and burn. 

NFT Staking

There is currently a staking contract in the process of being made where the holders can stake any edition of T-Rex Punks

When staking is enabled we will let the holders stake any collection of T-Rex Punk they have, here is a list of all the stake-able collections:

Original T-Rex Punks (Mint on

Klever T-Rex Punks (

1/1 Editions (On

Angel & Devil T-Rex Punks (on Kraftly.Io 1)

1/1 Editions ( )

TREX 100 Milly Club:

Have you ever imagined having a T-Rex made after you? If not, you have now. This new club can fulfil those dreams and another opportunity to earn passive income.

After anyone holds 100,000,000 TREX Tokens for six months, a 1/1 NFT will be made personalized to them. A custom designed T-Rex that the holder will get to pick the attributes of!

This 1/1 T-Rex Punk will go up for auction on Kraftly. The person that the 1/1 was created after will get 25% in TRX from the sale price. Another 25% will go towards the buy back and burn $TREX token, the other 50% will go towards project development.

Launch details very soon.

About Trex token

Trex token (TREX) is the main token for the T-Rex Punks atmosphere!

Where to buy Trex token?