| Rank: 545 Votes 24h: 0 Votes 7d: 0 | | | | | | 0 | 0 | |
TronNinja Token (TNT) is the native utility token of the TronNinja Arcade platform; It is the heart of the dojo and underpins the play-to-earn mechanism; Its primary purpose is to allow users to earn during regular gameplay.
TronNinjas is a NFT GameFi project on the Tron blockchain where you will be able to use your NFTs as characters in-game, whilst earning our in-game token TronNinjas Token (TNT) in the TronNinjas Arcade.
The TNT token can be earned just by playing single-player games, or in weekly and monthly competitions competing for bigger prizes with other NFT holders.
TronNinjas also have their own store where you can spend your TNT for upgrades, a percentage of the store revenue will be sent to our staking contract. |