MM72 is a digital currency that uses cryptography to secure transactions. It is built on Binance Smart Chain, a decentralized network of computers worldwide that manage the MM72 transaction. Using MM72, you can send money directly to friends and family without going through an intermediary like a bank or PayPal. You can use it to buy products or services online or trade for other cryptocurrencies. MM72 and other cryptocurrencies are digital assets because they are virtual and have a monetary value. As such, they are sometimes called "cryptocurrencies". They share many characteristics with traditional currencies, so people often refer to them as "digital cash".
The main mission of MM72 is to create a community of users who wish to create value from their token assets of little or no value with the aim of creating a virtuous network of users.
MM72 also plans to bring the management and conversion into the cryptocurrency of corporate and NPL outstanding payments to the blockchain.
MM72 uses Binance Smart Chain as its main chain, which is faster, cheaper than Ethereum, and has more amazing scalability.
In these times, many people are still unaware of the qualities DeFi can bring to our daily lives, such as low-cost transactions, decentralization, and unregulated environments.
These features make your assets safer than any bank can guarantee you today. However, several obstacles stand in the way of mass adoption; also, some solutions (like Metamask) have been proposed to help with this problem.
Value Proposition
The MM72 Token is a decentralized token running on the Binance Smart Chain. The fixed supply of 100,000,000 tokens will be distributed under the provisions of this White Paper.
The MM72 is used to receive, send and store value. Governance MM72 is an open-source software project.
The program is offered in a transparent manner that enables for the independent verification of binary and their accompanying source code to be performed on the software.
MM72 is a community-driven project with no central authority or developer team with arbitrary decision-making powers over changes to its protocol or governance structures.
Any agreement among developers must come through a consensus to change core protocol rules or add new features.
💫 MM72 is a cryptocurrency created on Binance Smart Chain, a blockchain with fast transactions.
💫 MM72 is a deflationary cryptocurrency which means that it has a limited supply.
💫 MM72 is a utility token used for the MM72 community and ecosystem.
💫 MM72 is a community-driven project.
💫 MM72 will incentivize the token promoters and helpers in the long term.
💫 DAO governance makes MM72 unique from most of the other cryptocurrencies.