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Lyncoin: An Open Source Peer‐to‐Peer Money and Payment Network Date: 12/25/2022 ✔️Revision: 1 ✔️Chain Type: AUXPoW ✔️Algorithm: sha256 ✔️Premine: 0 ✔️Max supply: 91B ✔️Decimals: 8 ✔️Initial Block Reward: 210000 LCN ✔️Block Time: 10 Minutes ✔️Retarget: 10 Blocks ✔️Halving: Not Halving. The block reward reduces every 30 day by 1% (~every 4320 blocks) The idea behind AuxPoW is that the work done on one blockchain can be leveraged as valid work on another chain. The blockchain that provides the proof of work is called the parent blockchain, while the one that accepts it as valid is the auxiliary blockchain. The implementation of merged mining using the AuxPoW algorithm improves the security of the blockchain network. If miners only focus on mining one coin, it can lead to a vulnerability in the system |