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MakeSwap DEX

Discover a new TRON-based decentralized exchange protocol!

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MakeSwap is a secure decentralized exchange that runs on the Tron network and can mediate the trading of all Tron tokens.

With its high APY rates, it aimed to stand out among other exchanges. All coins created in the Tron network can be bought and sold on the MakeswapDex exchange. Staking can be done and high profits can be obtained.

You can log in to MakeSwap through the world's most used and most popular, secure Tron wallets, and you can invest your cryptocurrencies without taking them out of your wallet, as it is decentralized. Decentralized exchanges do not require registration, registrar and transfer to any exchange, so it is a safe and high-tech exchange type.

$MKSWP Token

Make token is also the main token of MakeSwap. The $MKSWP Token supply is limited to 100 million in total.

$MKSWP Token can only be produced in MakeSwap liquidity pools.

It will take a total of 10 years for the entire $MKSWP Token to be released to the market.

Since the way the $MKSWP Token is offered is predetermined, it will never exceed the maximum issuance rate.

This will make the $MKSWP token always a valuable and rare token. Another feature which will raise the value of MKSWP is the burn mechanism.

The Burn Mechanism

In every transaction to be made in MakeSwap, in every pool, new listings, a listing of different coins, or new token pre-sales planned in the future, transactions can be made with $MKSWP tokens.

And since the $MKSWP token will be burned in every transaction to be made, it will become a little more valuable every day from the first day.

The growth of the transaction volume on the MakeSwap decentralized exchange will multiply the value of the $MKSWP Token and accelerate its burning.

Tax is deducted from each $MKSWP sale,

  • 1% is burned. 
  • 2% goes to investors in liquidity pools to keep APY rates always high. 

How to buy $MKSWP?

We recommend trading with Tronlink and Token Pocket, the official wallet of the Tronlink network.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Tron network charges fees for transactions. 

Have a minimum of 50 TRX. If there is not enough TRX, you will not be able to trade and you will get an error.

Roadmap & Whats Next?

MakeSwap has the capacity to accommodate unlimited innovations in its decentralized exchange, support many features, and work-integrated with many projects. Many innovations and features such as cross-platform support, integrations with different wallets, various commercial collaborations, insurance, and shopping will be offered.

Some of the things which are coming:

  • lottery system, 
  • NFT market, 
  • Decentralized game projects
  • cross chain 
  • The ability to mediate the public offering of each coin to be created on the Tron network

About MakeSwap

MakeSwap is a secure decentralized exchange that runs on the Tron network and can mediate the trading of all Tron tokens

Where to buy MakeSwap?