Who Benefits from Aimedis Avalon?
Tomorrow’s tech is finally here with Aimedis Avalon: a healthcare metaverse in which patients and providers alike appreciate and benefit.

While the primary objective of our platform and the inspiration for Aimedis is and always was patient-centred, investors and venture capitalists have what to be excited about when looking into our company. Earlier this month, we discussed how our patients benefit from Aimedis Avalon’s metaverse offerings; today, we will delve into the financial benefits of our platform for industry, hospitals, and academic centers. The effect of the metaverse on the healthcare industry will undoubtedly be grand over the coming years and decades, and providers themselves are looking forward to the technological advancements of metaverse healthcare applications.
Metaverse cost savingsAll areas of healthcare can benefit from metaverse solutions both through the ease of accessing information and the lucrative financial opportunities it presents to administrators, hospitals, doctors, therapists, and pharmacies alike. Hospitals, MCOs, and HMOs benefit from seamless access to patient records and direct financial benefits associated with virtual land: Moving healthcare to the metaverse is more cost effective since land in the metaverse is cheaper than physical real estate. Moving to the metaverse cuts medical supply costs down drastically as well, thereby saving hospital resources for other endeavors such as medical research and in-suite surgeries and other procedures. These cost-savings will trickle down to other stakeholders in the healthcare system including administrators, hospital systems, and healthcare workers. Finally, the metaverse allows hospitals to dramatically cut down their day-to-day operational staff since there will be no (or less) physical buildings to maintain.

Aimedis - an eHealth platform based on blockchain technology, which has been developed since 2017 and released in the current version 2020 for web, iOS and Android.