Introducing Vulkania Crypto League
The Vulkania Crypto League is an interactive management-style game that uses the performance of a player’s “team” of tokens to determine that user’s position among other players on a leaderboard.

With our dashboards fully operational and stress tested it is time to now share the vision of what Vulkania is to become and compound on the elements that have led to our current success.As part of our long term strategy, Vulkania will be adding a brand new concept to our application, called Vulkania Crypto League.
A “team” of 5 projects currently listed on is assembled. Players receive 4 of the 5 projects at random; the 5th project is selected by the player.Players earn or lose points based on each individual project’s performance within their team based on 3 criteria:
These boosts provide the primary means of strategy in maximizing a players’ score. The initial iteration will have many useful boosts available to all players. We intend to develop an even more robust list of boosts over time to keep the experience fresh and balance strategic play.
± additional benefits in developmentThe specifics of each tier is still being finalized but higher tiers will receive more boosts in total and more unique boosts. Furthermore, each tier will share a different prize pool for the leaderboard payouts. The prize pool will be larger for the higher tiers.
What is the Vulkania Crypto League?
The Vulkania Crypto League is an interactive management-style game that uses the performance of a player’s “team” of tokens to determine that user’s position among other players on a leaderboard. Through project selection and use of unique boosts applied to the player’s “team” of tokens, players strategize how to achieve higher scores in an attempt to climb the leaderboard and win VLK tokens as well as the tokens of our listed partners participating as sponsors to the game events.The Vulkania Crypto League will be built directly into our existing application, but will exist in its own section of the site. We want to ensure that those that enjoy for its robust and elegantly displayed data can still use the site for their due diligence and monitoring needs without gamified elements crowding up their screen. The game will be available to all users should they decide to explore it.Game Mechanics
The Basics
The alpha version is currently under development and all mechanics listed in this article could change. However, we are confident the details we share with you today in this article (among many others to come) represents what you can expect when the game releases.
- The percentage change in the price.
- The percentage change in the total number of transactions.
- The percentage change in dashboard visits.
Performance Boosts
To provide additional player influence to their scores each player will receive “boosts” which are unique cards that apply a bonus to one of the projects. For example, a 50% bonus to dashboard traffic or a 25% bonus to price change. Boosts are provided to the players each day and, when applied, each boost is in effect for 24 hours. Unused boosts do not roll over to the next day so actively managing your team increases the probability of climbing to the top of the leaderboard.There will also be other types of boosts such as allowing players to swap out one of the 4 randomly selected projects with one of their choosing, among others.
Game Seasons & Rounds
The application will use “seasons” throughout the year in which players will compete in multiple rounds within the season. For example, a “round” will last 10 days, have a 4 day break thereafter and then begin another 10 day round. A “season” would be 6 rounds in total in this example.At the end of the round, that round’s leaderboard will be archived and available for viewing. The next round’s leaderboard will start blank. This way, everyone starts a new round on an even playing field and “whales” do not lock themselves in the top leaderboard position permanently.In addition to earning VLK via performance on the leaderboards, giveaways, lotteries and other VLK reward promotions will be active. This ensures that all players regardless of their team’s performance in the round always have some chance at winning something.Player Tiers
To play, all players will need to connect their wallet. You do not need to confirm or execute any transactions to connect your wallet. You do not need to deposit any VLK to an address you do not control. The wallet connection will be able to safely and securely view your VLK token balance just like when you enter your address into an explorer like, you do not need to pay any VLK to play. In fact, you do not need to own any VLK at all to play. However, owning varying amounts of VLK tokens in the connected wallet does provide unique and powerful benefits to the players.There are 3 tiers that give benefits to players that own VLK in their wallet:- Bronze — 500 VLK
- Silver — 1,500 VLK
- Gold — 2,500 VLK

How Does Vulkania Crypto League Align With Vulkania’s Business Model?
Vulkania’s business model thrives on two major aspects: Relationships with our listed partners and traffic.Traffic is somewhat obvious: The more visitors we have to the site every day, the more valuable our advertising space and promotional programs become to those projects seeking additional marketing exposure.Our traffic has seen a 152%+ increase from last month; primarily from our community showcasing the beautifully displayed data for their favorite projects listed on This is exactly why dashboard visits will be a core metric in the Vulkania Crypto League. It gives our players direct control to influence their scores while driving traffic directly to relationships we build with all of our listed partners is at the core of our business model. We do not just randomly list projects. We develop working relationships with them to form mutually beneficial partnerships. Listing on Vulkania is no longer only an opportunity for a listing announcement for our partners, it is now an opportunity to be a part of an ongoing, competitive, socially-driven competition which means exposure for all projects involved.Projects will be able to directly sponsor rounds or seasons to either increase the VLK prize pool or to include their own token in the prize pool. This in conjunction with our advertising space, visit competitions and soon to be detailed “Vulkania Verification” are all powerful promotional tools for our partners as well as interactive and rewarding events for our users.Timeline: Q1 of 2022
We are working quickly and efficiently to make the Vulkania Crypto League a reality before the end of this quarter. Follow us to stay updated.