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Love Arcade Games? Is Poker something that you enjoy the most? Then TeamGames is the Place to Be!

The team at TeamGames HQ are gamers at heart. So when they got together to build a game, the hardest part was to decide on the genre of the game. They wanted to build something different than what is out there today.

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Finally, the idea of building a mashup between Texas Hold'em poker and arcade-style mini games won over the team. It had elements of creativity, enjoyment, socialisation, challenge and achievement built into it. Most of all, it was going to be fun to build.

Part of the appeal of TeamGames is their intention to encourage the growth of individual communities within the platform. This was important because they believe that strong communities foster strong players, and when communities come together to compete, sparks fly. Hence, they created the concept of Competition Tokens which allow communities to use their own native tokens as in-game currency.

So what is a Competition Token?

Gaming tokens in the crypto space today rely on a couple of things to encourage growth.

1. A constant influx of new investors

2. Unsustainable APY in the form of Play-To-Earn as an incentive to bring in these new investors

Competition Tokens (CTs) are a different breed. While new investors are a must in any project, the way CTs grow is directly correlated to the strength of their community and its players. This is done through leaderboards. When a CT achieves a spot on the leaderboard, TeamGames uses part of its daily revenue to add liquidity into their token, effectively increasing its price floor. Since the supply of CTs are fully minted on day one, an ever-increasing price floor means the token will never fall below a certain price. CTs are built for both players and investors alike.

Enter the first CTs - TeamUSA and TeamChina

A friendly but fierce battle between these two communities are brewing. As both sides rush to build their communities and bring in strong gamers in time for the TeamGames platform launch, we are witnessing players from all over the world pick the sides they would like to represent. Even though it is still early days, the enthusiasm from both communities have given the team validation that they are on the right track.

You can join either of these communities with the links below.

TeamUSA Community:

TeamChina Community:

Check out the TeamGames website for more information about the gaming platform, roadmap and other features.
