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Snoop Floki Dog

A memecoin with huge potential.

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The success of meme coins is primarily due to the huge interest and community that these projects can create around them.

However, while Dogecoin and Shiba Inu did not bring any special utility, the creators of Snoop Floki Dog consider this value to be one of the key elements in the project.

Snoop Floki Dog is an idea of the "laid back" crypto market community.

A community that is to be distinguished by calm looking into the future, awareness of good decisions and self-control over one's expectations.

However, this memecoin, apart from the huge popularity that marketing campaigns all over the world will bring to it, will be characterised by extensive usability with applications in NFT GENERATOR, FUN ZONE, SNOOP SHOP, and also in Launchpad in the future.

"Crypto market investors lack composure and calm.

 They lack a certain ease that should come from knowing the opportunity they are taking by participating in this revolution.

 Instead of constantly sitting with their noses in the charts, they should spend more time on pleasures.


To meet friends and enjoy life and have fun.

 We are at a very early stage of development of blockchain technology and the cryptocurrency market, but this technology is the future from which there is no turning back.

 The very fact that we are participating in this industrial revolution makes us already winners.

 All we have to do is let things happen on their own and our invested money will multiply in value." - Snoop Floki Dog Team .

What does Snoop Floki Dog want to offer?

Snoop Floki Dog means, above all, participation in a huge international community.

 The creators of the project invite all people from the crypto world who would like to identify with the values that Snoop Floki Dog wants to spread.

 But we have something that is hard to find in previous memecoins ... the utility layer consisting of a unique NFT collection, an NFT generator that allows you to create your own unique NFT, FUN ZONE - a stoned games zone and SNOOPSHOP.

It seems that the developers have thoroughly thought through and planned what they want to offer the Snoop Floki Dog community in the long term.

 As they indicate, they are focusing on sustainability and lots of surprises. As the community grows, they want to introduce new usability to bring the ideas of Snoop Floki Dog to life.

What awaits the Snoop Floki Dog community?

As we read on the project website, which already shows that the creators approached the subject seriously despite building the project based on memecion, by becoming a member of the Snoop Floki Dog community you get access to FUN ZONE, NFT GENERATOR, SNOOP SHOP.

FUN ZONE shows that Snoop Floki Dog likes to have fun and go back to his roots.

 That is why he has prepared a FUN ZONE for his people, which will feature fun stoned games.

 In these games, you will be able to test your dexterity, reflexes and coordination or compete with other members of the Snoop Floki Dog community.

 Part of the collection, due to its old-school style, is to be a sentimental journey to the 80s and 90s, when many people in the crypto world started their first adventures in the world of games.

 However, having fun is not everything as games are supposed to give opportunity to earn real money and increase the value of your $SFD wallet.

NFT GENERATOR is to be a tool with which you can let your imagination run wild and create your own unique NFT.

 Access to the library of hundreds of thousands of accessories will allow you to play the role of an artist and build an original and unique work.

 Additionally, the created NFT will find its useful application in the GAME ZONE.

 However, in addition to the NFT generator, Snoop Floki Dog will be releasing its own limited NFT collections.

NFT GENERATOR is meant to be a tool with which you can let your imagination run wild and create your own unique NFT.

 Access to the library of hundreds of thousands of accessories will allow you to play the role of an artist and build an original and unique masterpiece.

 Additionally, the created NFT will find its useful application in the GAME ZONE.

 However, in addition to the NFT generator, Snoop Floki Dog will be releasing his own limited edition NFT collections.

 Only the project's most loyal friends will be able to purchase them.

 These amazing and unique pieces of art of the crypto world are supposed to be a pass to the unique attractions of the world ruled by the mysterious Mr. X.

SNOOPSHOP is set to be the place with cannabis products. Apparently, the creators of the project have done many hours of hard research and testing. Analyzing each of the products on offer allowed them to select only the best.

 Apparently this research also ended up with a million dollar bill at PizzaHut and KFC XD.

 SnoopShop aims to be a shop where you can find everything you need to free yourself from negative energy and get into the philosophy of the Snoop Floki Dog community.

It is to be the place where you will fill the prescription for well-being and positive energy delivered in the most natural way.

How Snoop Floki Dog wants to tell the crypto world "I'm already here, come join us!"

A few weeks ago, just after completing one of the stages of the project, the creators decided to share information about what they were planning with their friends around the world.

 It turned out that the reception of the project and its idea was fantastic.

 People they talked to pointed out that it is something completely new, which has not really existed before.

 The combination of the crypto world with the real world on so many levels and the possibility to identify with the project.

 They found it very interesting that the project is so focused on the community, that it gives them entertainment but also the opportunity to make real money.

 It's as if someone is giving you a good time and still paying you for it.

"We want the good news about Snoop Floki Dog to spread around the world.

 In fact, the first of the promotional campaigns was initiated by our friends.

 They identified with the project and started to send us pictures of the Snoop Floki Dog logo to show their support and motivation to continue.

 This spontaneous initiative started to spread and is still growing.

 As new people found out about Snoop Floki Dog, they started to upload on our social media photos from all over the world with the logo of the project.

 It is very encouraging to see how fast this trend is spreading and how many people it is attracting.

 Given that the project is still ahead of the presale, which will take place on 29 January 2022 on the pinksale platform, we fear that the interest in buying the token will exceed the supply several times.” - Team Snoop Floki Dog

This marketing campaign may turn out to be a real shot in the arm, as more and more people start to catch this trend and upload photos from all over the world.

 I saw pictures from Sydney, China, Thailand, Hawaii, Russia, Korea, Japan, Holland, Poland, Dominican Republic, Cyprus, Zanzibar, Maldives and of course Jamaica.

But I know that the project team is planning many other marketing campaigns related to events in the world of sports and entertainment.

 As they say, Snoop Floki Dog will start appearing in many places around the world and encourage you to join the community.

The developers expect the community to be heavily involved in the development of the project.

 They recognize that the universal ideas represented by the project will attract people with different talents and experiences who will want to contribute to building the community and the project.

 To some extent, they want to give the community a real influence on the directions of development and utility of the project.