Scholarship Coin NFT
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Scientia est Libertas (Latin)
This artwork represents knowledge as freedom.
Knowledge allows a human being to unlock its true nature and virtue of self control of becoming a creator of its own world.
Applied socially, knowledge inhibits social growth, peace and promotes positive evolution for human kind and its surrounding nature.. The artist who created this artwork wanted to demonstrate the power of crypto currency, the Scholarship Coin project making its entrance in this world.
In the middle, we can see the Scholarship Coin symbol layered with the world map representing the effects of the project, including other cryptocurrencies, on the world. Below the coin symbol, we can see the perpetual sign of infinity being broken into freedom as flying doves, representing peace and love.
This chain being broken represents the challenges faced by the people of accessing proper education.
It represents student loans and the debts that come with it making higher education difficult to achieve and becoming a burden for those who pursue their dream by getting student loans.
It represents the perpetual cycle of poverty and social classes being broken into freedom with the coming of cryptocurrency and the Scholarship Coin project. On the bottom left side, we have the learning child which is becoming an knowledgeable adult being propelled towards freedom. On the lower far right side we can see the bust of Satoshi, pseudonym name of the creator of Bitcoin, representing the father of cryptocurrencies as a dedication for his initiative. In the top part of the art we can see a rocket heading towards the moon. This demonstrate life quality of human kind being elevated with the use of cryptocurrency. Also a representation of the crypto community expression of ‘’mooning’’. On the far left corner, we can see the Artist’s signature. The Orion constellation. The word Orion being found in the artist’s last name. Finally, in the middle top section, we can see a sequence of the Hand of God taken from the painting named The Creation of Adam by Italian artist Michelangelo as a demonstration of the real power of knowledge. Knowledge can only bring limitless creativity, wealth, a peaceful evolution and prosperity for human kind. Background color: The Color Purple Means Wisdom, Bravery, and Spirituality.
Via ad Saeculum Aureum (Latin)
Knowledge allows a human being to unlock its true nature and virtue of self control of becoming a creator of its own world.
Applied socially, knowledge inhibits social growth, peace and promotes positive evolution for human kind and its surrounding nature. The artist who created this artwork wanted to demonstrate the power of crypto currency, the Scholarship Coin project making its entrance in this world.
In the middle, we can see the Scholarship Coin symbol layered with the world map representing the effects of the project, including other cryptocurrencies, on the world. Below the coin symbol, we can see the perpetual sign of infinity being broken into freedom as flying doves, representing peace and love.
This chain being broken represents the challenges faced by the people of accessing proper education.
It represents student loans and the debts that come with it making higher education difficult to achieve and becoming a burden for those who pursue their dream by getting student loans.
It represents the perpetual cycle of poverty and social classes being broken into freedom with the coming of cryptocurrency and the Scholarship Coin project.
On the bottom left side, we have the graduating man/women which is becoming an knowledgeable adult being propelled towards freedom and ready to contribute to society in a meaningful way.
On the lower far right side we can see the bust of Satoshi, pseudonym name of the creator of Bitcoin, representing the father of cryptocurrencies as a dedication for his initiative. In the top part of the art we can see a rocket heading towards the moon. This demonstrate life quality of human kind being elevated with the use of cryptocurrency. Also a representation of the crypto community expression of ‘’mooning’’. On the far left corner, we can see the Artist’s signature. The Orion constellation. The word Orion being found in the artist’s last name. Finally, in the middle top section, we can see a sequence of the Hand of God taken from the painting named The Creation of Adam by Italian artist Michelangelo as a demonstration of the real power of knowledge.
Knowledge can only bring limitless creativity, wealth, a peaceful evolution and prosperity for human kind.
Background color meaning
The Color Purple Means Wisdom, Bravery, and Spirituality.Highlight color meaning:
This ‘’Elite Artwork’’ have been created in 12 various highlight colors. The signification behind creating the same artwork in various highlight colors is that the worlds needs all kinds of people, with different knowledge, traits, perceptions, skills in order to create a better world on earth and beyond. It is a necessity to understand that each and every person on earth can bring value in different ways. Each and everyone must access proper education to create an equitable and free world of acceptance filled with peace.Here are the positive nature of those colors
· Red: Passion, Love· Orange: Energy, Happiness, Vitality· Yellow: Happiness, Hope· Green: New Beginnings, Abundance, Nature· Blue: Calm, Responsible· Purple: Creativity, Royalty, Wealth· Black: Mystery, Elegance· Brown: Nature, Wholesomeness, Dependability· Purple: Wisdom, Bravery, and Spirituality.· Pink: Softness, kindness, nurturance, and compassion.Scholaroid Avatars (The Resistance of Freedom & Peace)
Scholaroids NFT are the avatars of the Scholarship Rewards system. In the near future, a Scholaroid NFT will be automatically minted when a new user student has an account created.
This Scholaroid will evolve throughout the course of the student’s studies. Each are original and never one will be exactly the same. Scholaroids represent the strength of diversity and knowledge within the world community. Each are complimented with their own set of features. This set of Scholaroids have been created in the name of Ukrainians that are faced with an unprecedented and unwanted war inflicted by Vladimir Putin himself, for his own interest.
A war that even the Russian population themselves do not understand due to their authoritarian government controlling mass media in their country. We have decided to dedicate these Scholaroids to the Ukrainian people. For their strength to defend their freedom and country. These avatars represent defenders of Freedom and peace. Each minted Scholaroid are custom and come with various features such as hats, hairstyle, clothe, weapon and background. All are different.