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Conceal Monthly Update, April 2022

The month of April was quite an adventure, and so we have quite a bit to tell you!

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Hello and Welcome back to another Conceal Update! The month of April was quite an adventure, and so we have quite a bit to add in the sections below. It is probably safe to say that April was somewhat of a launching point for all of our new projects and ideas that we have mentioned in previous updates. With this in mind, let’s move on to the meat of this article!

Marketing and Business Development

Marketing and Business Development had a very busy month this time around. Not only were new marketing deals and ideas pursued, but also some previously mentioned ones had come to fruition! All in all, these events boosted our visibility on a few platforms, and we also were able to reach a new audience that brought in some new Concealers!

Here are some of the significant events that happened recently in Marketing and Business Development:

  • A new YouTube Video reviewing Conceal Network was released by Your Friend Andy!
  • A new Contest for Conceal related Artworks and Graphics is currently being held by Mr. Kwibs; enter your artwork for a chance to win CCX!
  • Our First-Ever Discord Stage meeting was held this month and was Hosted by Crypto Rich, who was both very graceful and kind in helping us through our first live event!
  • CrypTader has been doing a lot of market research for various Social Media platforms and tools that we can leverage to increase our reach and overall impressions.
  • In addition, using information and data gathered from said research CrypTader is also working on creating a new Marketing Strategy that can be applied to the various social media platforms and give us a clearer and more focused structure for future marketing events.
  • Twitter will be utilized more regularly and consistently as one of our many tools in this new strategy.
  • Work is being done on a new Conceal Video that will illustrate the differences, risks, and benefits between Conceal Cold Staking, POS staking, and DeFi liquidity pools.
  • A promotional deal was made with AltcoinRookie and his company Investep Capital. He has been a good friend to us and wants Conceal to be successful as we do. Thus he will be supporting us for some time into the future and will spread the word about CCX, among other things!

Research and Development

With a clear and well-defined new Roadmap to deliver in the coming months and years, our Developers have been working diligently to meet these expectations from our community. Lots of research has been ongoing for a couple of months now, and work on some big items has officially begun!

Here are a few of the major updates that have been done over the last month by our Developers:

  • Integration of Conceal ID and Conceal Bridge to the Conceal App has been completed, further testing is required before release.
  • Security updates have been applied to our Cloud Servers.
  • The Old Cloud-Based Mobile Wallet for Android has been updated and now works properly with the new login fields.
  • Our brand new Client-Side Web Wallet has been completed with basic core functionalities, and this will allow users of any device to open a wallet from their browser, sync a node, and send or receive CCX without ever needing to login to a centralized server!
  • Checkpoints have been updated and added to the Desktop Wallets.
  • Desktop Windows installer has been updated.
  • Work has officially begun on Privacy Protected Assets, or PPAs. This item will utilize the Coloured Coins technology and will require a long development cycle before it is ready for release. Thus, we ask you for patience as we work through this massive undertaking.
  • A Conceal Testnet was updated and handed over to Fireice_UK.

Conceal Community

With so much happening around the development and marketing of the project, there has been a lot of buzz around the community of late. New Concealers have been coming into our Discord and Telegram asking about Conceal and looking to set up and configure mining rigs, and learning about all the features Conceal has to offer! In addition to this, we have hit a massive milestone of 1,000,000 blocks on the Network! This translates to nearly 4 years running, all with no hacks, major bugs, exploits, or other issues, something we are very proud of!

Here are some of the new things that have been going on in our Community:

  • 1,000,000 Blocks found! A Block party was held in the Community Discord, where over 400 CCX was given away to Concealers.
  • A Trivia Event was held in the Discord, where Concealers tested their knowledge of Conceal and competed for the chance to earn up to 150 CCX in prizes.
  • Talks within the Community are currently ongoing with regards to whether or not we will be creating a new Mascot for Conceal. More ideas for this are welcome!
  • Concealers have started to step up their marketing efforts by making graphics and other forms of media that can be shared on social media or in person.
  • Conceal Ambassadors have been making content for Conceal and sharing them with their unique audiences. Also, Ambassadors continue to reach out to local businesses with the hopes of adding more shops and stores to the list of merchants that accept CCX!


The month of April had many new developments by the Conceal Team and the Community at large. With all of the new stuff happening in both the Development of the Network and also the Marketing of the Conceal brand, we have very high hopes for the future of Conceal, and we will continue to do our best to grow the Network alongside all of you. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this update for the month of April, and we hope to see you next time!

About Conceal

Conceal Network is a decentralized blockchain that permits users to anonymously send and receive funds, messages, and earn interest on deposits.